Thanks to our state of the art technology and our terminal holding the IATA CEIV Pharma certificate, as well as our specialized team, we transport your pharmaceutical consignments as being aware of the responsibility we assume. We touch human life by transporting your pharmaceutical consignments meticulously within the required time and temperature range to the destinations they are intended.

Turkish Cargo raises the quality bar in pharmaceutical and healthcare product logistics. The dynamic brand has developed TK Pharma Standard, TK Pharma Extra and TK Pharma Advanced products, which meet customer expectations at the highest level by developing industry-appropriate solutions for pharmaceutical and healthcare transportation in different categories.

The key features of the TK Pharma Standard, TK Pharma Extra and TK Pharma Advanced products are given in the table below.

For pharmaceutical shipments with temperature sensitivity

For pharmaceutical shipments with high degree of temperature sensitivity

For pharmaceutical shipments moving in active or hybrid containers

Prioritised Handling & High Loading Priority
Dedicated Temperature Controlled Storage at HUB

Dedicated Temperature Controlled Buid-up & Break Down Area

Specialized and Qualified Pharma Operation Team
24/7 Customer Care
Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Agreements
Customizable Standard Operating Procedures
and Quality Agreements
24/7 Pharma Control Tower (Pharma Care Team)
Temperature Controlled Dolly During Tarmac
Transportation Process at HUB
Active and Hybrid Temperature Controlled Containers
Dedicated Ramp Transfer at HUB
Network (O&D) All TK Pharma Stations TK Pharma High-Quality Stations TK Pharma Container Stations
Product Codes STD EXT ADV

TK Pharma Standard offers temperature-controlled solutions at industry standards. It is the product, developed for the transportation of the pharmaceuticals and medical products that are sensitive to temperature and shipped by making use of passive packaging methods. Priority handling, high loading priority, dedicated temperature-controlled storage, trained special operation team and 24/7 customer services and dedicated temperature controlled build-up and break down area are offered within the scope of TK Pharma Standard. 

By making use of TK Pharma Standard, you can benefit from the wide flight network of Turkish Cargo and ship your pharmaceuticals and medical products to all TK Pharma stations. The capabilities of TK Pharma Standard at the International stations are accessible through the link.

TK Pharma Extra offers enhanced temperature-controlled solutions for the protection of the cold chain. It is a product developed for pharmaceuticals and healthcare products with higher degree of temperature sensitivity shipped with passive packaging methods that require extra protection against temperature changes during tarmac transpo­ation process. TK Pharma Extra shipments are monitored from the point of depa­ture the point of arrival by 24/7 Pharma Control Tower.

Temperature controlled dolly during ramp transportation process, dedicated tarmac transfer, customized SOP and QA processes are additional benefits provided by TK Pharma Extra. 

TK Pharma High-Quality Stations

Holding the CEIV Pharma certificate and offering service at the GDP standards, Turkish Cargo evaluates all stations within the scope of IATA CEIV Pharma ve GDP standards in accordance with the quality and risk-based approach it has adopted. All stations, to which flights are operated by Turkish Cargo, are divided into two groups, namely the "TK Pharma Stations" and the "TK Pharma High-Quality Stations". "TK Pharma Stations" indicate the stations where the TK Pharma Standard product is active, and the "TK Pharma High-Quality Stations" indicate the stations where the TK Pharma Extra product is available. TK Pharma Standard is available for service actively in both of such station categories. Please click here to access to the list.

Cool Dolly

Cool Dollies are being used for protecting the pharmaceuticals and medical products against the ambient conditions during the course of performance of the apron handling process between the Turkish Cargo TCC (Temperature Controlled Centre) and the aircraft.

TK Pharma Advanced offers active and hybrid temperature-controlled solutions. Active temperature controlled and hybrid containers are being used as part of TK Pharma Advanced. By making use of TK Pharma Advanced, your pharmaceuticals and medical products, which require a high level of protection against temperature changes, are carried at the requested constant temperature between -70°C / +30°C during all transportation processes. 


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